Home News Regarding letter head of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill to the Pope

Regarding letter head of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill to the Pope


The Information Resistance OSINT group has obtained a Russian-language copy of a letter head of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill (aka Gundyaev) recently sent to the Pope.

The text of the letter has been approved following a series of drafts. The Russian Orthodox Church also used it as a template when drafting letters to other addressees, including the UN, the OSCE, leader of France and Germany, and others.

Complaining about the “suffering of the persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church”, Gundyaev is already claiming there “attempts to deprive” the so-called UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate of what the Russian Orthodox Church leader says is “rights to use” the Kyiv-Pechersk and Pochayiv lavras (and, as we know, the Moscow priests have had a very substantial “use” of that state property).

Well, other manipulations are also evident, like subjective assessments and libel against Ukrainian authorities and state bodies, including direct accusations of the latter of “inciting interfaith hatred.”

Notably, Gundyaev also delivered a rather senseless claim that (quote) “President of Ukraine P.Poroshenko publicly threatened with expulsion from the country those Ukrainians who do not wish to join the government-created ‘autocephalous church’.” No comment here…

With this message, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church has proved that it is no accident he sports FSB general stars on his shoulders.

We are yet to see how the Pope reacts to this heresy.




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