HomeAnalyticsDaily Highlights: 04/10/2014

Daily Highlights: 04/10/2014

Militant’s attacks on Ukrainian army positions and shelling of residential areas are ongoing despite the «truce». Territories controlled by DPR and LPR move closer to humanitarian catastrophe. SSU is getting ready to structural reforms and continues its efficient fight against terrorist groups.


●      President Poroshenko during his trip to Zhytomyr region said that construction of fortifications in the combat zone in Donbass is finished by almost 80% and that the Government takes all necessary measures to prepare the army for the winter.
●      Prime Minister Yatsenyuk said that «Naftogas» paid its debt on Eurobonds as planned. Temporary price for the Russian natural gas is going to be established by the Stockholm Arbitrage during processing of the Ukrainian legal action against Gazprom.
●      Head of SSU Nalyvaychenko said that ex-chief Horoshkovsky, who previously fled to Russia and now is participating in the early parliamentary elections, is falling under conditions of the law on  lustration. In his opinion after the reform, SSU should focus on counterterrorism and counterespionage, while the rest of responsibilities, like corruption crimes, economic crimes, etc., should be transferred under jurisdiction of dedicated state agencies.
●      4 highly ranked SSU officers were arrested and accused of execution of Maidaners.
●      Criminal cases against two candidates for the early elections opened in Kharkiv, with accusations of bribing of voters.
●      DPR terrorists do not intervene in placement of «Opposition block» political advertising within the territories they control.


●      Former President of Poland Valensa visited Kyiv to give an award to Euromaidan. Jointly with mayor Klitchko, he went to see the places where people had been killed on Maidan. Klichko plans to use received funds to build a memorial to the Heavens Hundred.

War in Ukraine

●      Siuation in the conflict zone is very tense. Two border guard ships were attacked in the Azov Sea near Mariupol. Residential areas of Debaltseve were shelled with multiple rocket launchers «Grad». Cease-fire breaches and shelling of Ukrainian army positions are observed across the front line. Partial rotation was performed among the defenders of Donetsk International Airport, as well as weapons and ammunitions were delivered.
●      Thermal power station in Schastye, supplying electricity and heating to the whole Luhans’k region, continues to operate, despite ongoing shelling by militants. Massive shelling of Donetsk with multiple weapons led to destruction of houses and infrastructure, as well as to civilian casualties.
●      Commission composed of representatives of Russia, Ukraine and OSCE started to work in Mariupol on delimitation of the 30km buffer zone.
●      Defense Minister Geletey said that high-precision  weapons have been already purchased for the army and that the air unit equipment should be renewed by the year end.
●      Attempts to seize Ukrainian passports have been reported on the territories controlled by DPR and LPR. Terrorists introduced martial law in many cities. Hospitals severely lack doctors.


●      The International Red Cross terminated its activities in Ukraine until the issue of personal security of its associates is solved after the recent killing of the Swiss mission representative.
●      Humanitarian convoy from Germany, containing winter clothes, power generators, mobile houses, hygienic goods, will be accompanied by Polish police and firefighters.
●      Norwegian Statoil is getting ready to supply natural gas to Ukraine via Slovakia.


●      As per opinion of a leading expert from the World Economy Institute Oslund, Ukrainian President and Prime Minister didn’t learn from Maidan events. Political parties are engaged in trading of positions within their candidates lists. The fight with corruption is nonexistent, which could lead to the new wave of civil resistance to the new authorities.
●      Bribing of voters, massive outdoor advertising, nontransparent tax declarations of parliamentary candidates, inclusion of terrorist supporters, corruptioneers to candidate lists, pre-election campaining by those in power demonstrate that current authorities aren’t interested in demolishing the old system of power and  just want to head it.

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