Combat actions near Donetsk International Airport and shellings of residential areas of Donbass cities by militants are ongoing non-stop. Former members of party of regions and its satellites are participating in the early parliamentary elections in large numbers.
● Prime Minister Yatsenyuk asked Verkhovna Rada Speaker Turcynov to urgently consider the package of anti-corruption legislation developed by the Government.
● Clashes between advocates of Lenin monument restoration and Ukrainian activists took place in Kharkiv. As situation escalates, streets of Kharkiv are being patrolled by armored vehicles of National Guard. Police have recently detained several subjects with weapons. Kharkiv Mayor Kernes stressed that the monument is definitely going to be restored.
● Criminal investigation for bribing voters have been opened in Kharkiv against a former member of the party of region, who is running for a parliament seat.
● State Office of Public Prosecutor launched a criminal case against associates of the Russian Investigative Committee for assistance to Donbass terrorists.
● Official exchange rate of Ukrainian hryvnya (UAH) vs. major currencies, established by the NBU, remained practically unchanged: 12.90 UAH/USD, 16.43 UAH/EUR (+3 cop), 3.33 UAH/10 RUR (-4 cop).
● First ship with South African coal is expected in Ukraine at the end of October.
● Kyiv authorities plan to rename 26 city streets in order to eliminate soviet times names from the city map.
● City authorities are aiming to concentrate production of food for all primary and secondary schools within 2-3 big factories.
War in Ukraine
● 7 defenders were killed and 9 wounded as a result of non-stop shelling and attacks on Donetsk International Airport. Dozens are killed and hundreds are wounded from the attackers side. Assault of the airport is ongoing, certifying its strategic importance for both sides. NSDC Speaker Lutsenko said that Ukrainian troops will not leave the strategic position. Militants continue intensive shelling and attacks on Ukrainian army strongholds despite the cease-fire memorandum signed in Minsk. Several civilians have been killed during chaotic artillery and mortar shelling in Donetsk and Makyivka.
● Ukrainian military, released from terrorists imprizonment, testify that they’ve been captured by Russian regular army near Ilovaysk.
● As stressed by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Krasin, Russia will not stop the practice of sending «humanitarian» convoys to Ukraine. As Ukrainian customs officers and representatives of the International Red Cross are not allowed to check the shipments, this possibly certifies that trucks are carrying arms and ammunition for terrorists.
● As per the statement of the US President Obama, Ukrainian conflict will not lead to war between the US and Russia, as military confrontation is possible only in case of Russian aggression against one of the alliance members. On top of that, he’s informed about agreements reached to supply Russian natural gas to Ukraine, which will prevent local inhabitants from freezing during the winter.
● As per opinion of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, there are no reasons for softening sanctions against Russia. On the contrary, as aggression in Ukraine goes on, Europe should consider minimizing collaboration with Russia in energy sector, which currently is highly dependent on Russian natural gas supplies (from 38% to 100% for individual contries in the EU).
● Both the European Council and the European Commission are strongly against revision of the Ukraine – EU Association Agreement, which is being heavily pushed by Russian President Putin.
● ExxonMobil will terminate all projects on Kara Sea shelf with Rosneft, which is subject to the US and the EU sanctions.
● Ukrainian society is very much irritated by massive TV and outdoor advertising by political parties and some candidates, fairly believing that money spent for the ads could and must be utilized to support the Ukrainian Army.
● In the absence of lustration, and having persons engaged in crimes, support of terrorism and separatism, are entering back into power, citizens are pushed to act themselves, i.e. putting officials into trash bins. Absence of reaction from authorities could lead to transformation of such actions from peaceful ones to lynching.
● President Poroshenko continues to build the vertical of power from his former employees. As per media reports, Deposits Warranty Fund could be headed by top manager of bank Mriya and Bohdan Corporation Mr. Voryshylin.
● Holding of consultations in Soledar between Russian and Ukrainian military with assistance from OSCE definitely points to Russia as a party in the conflict.
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