● Head of the State Election Committee Ohendovsky announced the price tag of the early parliamentary elections – 986 mln. UAH, as well as claimed that it will be sourced from the reserve fund of the Government. As long as the election law hasn’t been changed, 438 deputies (excluding 12 majoritary areas of annexed Crimea) should be elected to the renewed Verkhovna Rada.
● New business week brought one more consecutive historical minimum of the official exchange rate of Ukrainian Hryvnya: 13.66 UAH/1$ (-30 cop), 18.02 UAH/1€, 3.78 UAH/10 RUR (-10 cop). Interbank quotes fluctuated in the range of 13.50-14.17 UAH/1$ and 17.82-18.70 UAH/1€.
● National Radio Communication Commission is fully ready to allocate 3G frequencies to three Ukrainian operators.
● Fitch agency has downgraded long term foreign currency default ratings of two Ukrainian state banks – Oschadbank and Ukreximbank, to «extremely speculative» CCC level.
● Winter holidays in schools could be extended for up to one month over usual terms in order to deliver natural gas savings.
● Co-patrolling of the streets by joint mobile patrols of police and security companies have been introduced in Kyiv.
● Advertising market redistribution to come soon in Kyiv. Mayor Klitchko announced the moratorium on outdoor and public transport advertising permissions until the amendments are introduced to the concept of the outdoor advertising development.
War in Ukraine
● Situation in Donets’k remains highly tense. The city is being massively shelled. As per information from our sources, Ukrainian artillery destroyed several terrorist strongholds within the city territory. Heavy artillery shelling of Luhans’k and Gorlivka are ongoing.
● Ukrainian border guards, who held off an invasion of a subversive group from Russia at the border checkpoint Krasnaya Talivka in Luhans’k region, have been shelled by Russian helicopters and suffered heavy casualties.
● Heavy fights are ongoing in Ilovaysk and Starobesheve. Ukrainian military prevented tanks breakthrough towards Mariupil in the Novoazovsk area. Attack on Olenivka have been expelled. Strategic height Savur-Mohyla being controlled by Ukrainian army despite continuous counterattacks.
● High level negotiations in the format Ukraine – the EU – «Eurasian troika» (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus) took place in Minsk. As the result of negotiations, President Poroshenko announced on the briefing, that negotiations have aimed to achieve peace, as well as ensure closure of Ukrainian-Russian border. He also announced that an agreement has been reached with Putin to release Ukrainian citizens illegally detained in Russia, and to arrange consultations between the military headquarters of two countries on cease-fire under control of the OSCE monitoring mission. President Putin informed, that trilateral negotiations on energy and gas issues in the format of Russia-Ukraine-the EU are planned to be renewed. He mentioned that cease-fire hasn’t been discussed with Poroshenko, as “its the internal issue of Ukraine”. At the same time he stated he is fully ready to defend Russian economic interests, that will suffer from introduction of the European Standards in Ukraine according to him. High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Ashton suggested to start negotiations on cease-fire terms, border closure and delivery of humanitarian aid to the suffering regions according to the international norms.
● Soldiers Mothers Committee of Russia, that is being approached by the parents of military serving in Russian army, urged to clarify the destiny of their children due to the mounting information on deaths and prisoning of Russian troops in Ukrainian social media. At the same time information on big numbers of wounded Russian soldiers, delivered to various hospitals, appeared in mass media.
● Crimean issue hasn’t been discussed during high level negotiations in Minsk. Russia doesn’t acknowledge the fact of being a party to the conflict.
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